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Financing... The Key to Affordability

Automobile dealerships, mattress stores, appliance and electronics stores, and most HVAC companies offer financing... Why don't you in your construction business?   If you aren't offering financing in your construction business you are missing a huge opportunity to serve your clients more professionally and better.   Construction businesses that take cash or checks as their only forms of payment are limiting the ability to pay for a project by a prospective client.   Don't limit yourself!

The largest struggle that I hear in consulting for construction companies is that they have a large amount of Accounts Receivable and or customer's that won't pay their bill.   Put yourself in their shoes for a moment... I can personally admit that I don't easily have access to a checkbook or cash for a construction project.   Yet if you take a credit card or better yet provide a financing option I could quickly pay my balance.   I doubt very much that I am the minority in this situation but rather the majority of America.   There are other factors in this as well...

The average American has less than $1,000 saved.   There are studies that show that 57% of America regardless of age have less than $1,000 saved.   This is a staggering statistic if your projects are generally 8-10 times that much conservatively.   If a customer doesn't have the funds to pay they are less likely to admit this and more likely to blame your price for their reason to not buy from you.   This is where pride steps in and steals the sale from you.   Don't let payment methods or financing steal sales from you!

Sales, Simplified.

- Brad Corbin