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A Team Investment

You will hear many people talking about investment in all aspects of business and finances. Whether it be monetary or time. If you are reading then you have something worth investing in. No matter your rank team investment is often overlooked. As a human being we are trained from a young age to look out for #1… ourselves. You can invest in yourself and or you can invest in your team. If you find yourself asking why to invest in the team rather than yourself only here are a few points to ponder.

A well functioning team can outperform a single person 10 times out of 10. This includes sports as well as in your professional career. If you, like many, have aspirations of a bigger and brighter future what better way to get there than with the least amount of lifting? As a sales professional it is easier to sell in a positive environment that is working hard together. Marketing with multiple influencers is much more efficient than a single marketing source. How much feedback do you get from efforts or practices solo? Only as many as you see. If your team gets feedback then the sheer volume increases exponentially.

So how do we invest in our team?

  • Training - Purchased training or peer to peer training are both very effective and benefits will outweigh whatever is monetary or financial investment is made.

  • Practice - Practicing your craft with teammates and teaching peers tips, tricks, and best practices.

  • Mastermind Groups - Forming or joining mastermind groups to talk through ideas, concepts, and skills.

  • Team Building - Getting to know one another is a great way to be able to help one another. Along with a stronger sense of team. You find ways to contribute and learn from teammates.

  • Goal Planning - Taking the time to create team goals is a great way to propel everyone in the same direction with maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

This is not an exclusive list of ways to invest in your team and yourself but hopefully it will get you a head start on 2019. Take time for team investment while others are dreaming about the future or complaining about the past. For more information on training you can visit: Our Services. Until next time…

Sales, Simplified.

Brad Corbin